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This month's Yuki-hoku position September 7, 2016 - October 7, 2016 Ishaku Mercury (Ippukusei) ■ Progress of west gold-turned-romance Nihaku Saturn (Jimako dosei) ■ North of new business Emergence of development and new donors ■ Improvement of fortunes in the northeast ■ Success of south work and academics Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpei Mhokusei) ■ Southwest Real Estate Joy and Love Revival ■ North Development of New Business And Emergence of New Donors Shiko green Jupiter (Shirokmosei) ■Southwest Joy of Real Estate and Revival of Love ■ North Development of New Business and Emergence of New Donors Goo dosei ■ North Development of New Businesses and Emergence of New Donors ■ Progress of West Gold And Romance ■ Northeast Improvement of Fortunes ■ South Work and Academics Success of Rokuhaku Venus (Rokuhaku-insei) ■ South Success of Work and Science ■ Southwest Real Estate Joy and Love Revival ■ Northeast Improvement of Fortune Seven Red Venus (Shichiseki-insei) ■ South Success of Work and Science ■ West Progress of Gold And Romance Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku Dosei) ■ Progress of West Gold-Orbiting Romance [...]