東名高速から見た富士山 皆様こんにちは グランマ・ミキです 本年も沢山の方が扉を開けて頂き 本当にありがとうございました クリスマスも終わり新年を迎える準備に 追われている事と思います もうすぐ御用納めですね 私の祐気取り納めは本日でした 先程 前橋より戻ったところです どしゃ降りで高速道路はあちこちで 渋滞していました
雨の前橋では良い写真が撮れませんでしたので 先週の祐気取りで撮った大好きな富士山を 祐気のパワーと共に皆様に届けます 皆様に良い年が訪れます様に Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
12Month sections
This month's Yuki adrogon December 7, 2016 - January 4, 2017 Ippaki Mercury (Ippukusei) ■Southwest Sales Improvement, Home, Love Joy ■ West In Money And Friendship Marriage of Northeast Real Estate, New Flowering and Good Relationship Nikin Saturn ■Southwest Improvement of Sales, Joy of Home and Love ■ Success in Improving Eastern Status and Executing New Plans Jupiter Sanpei ■Southeast Reputation increases and good relationships and credits are obtained ■ Northeast Real estate joy, new flowering and good relationships Four green Jupiter (Shirokmosei) ■ Southeast Reputation up and good relationships and credit ■ West Obtain money and friendship Marriage Gohodosei ■Southwest Improvement of sales, joy of home, love ■ Success in improving eastern status and executing new plans ■West North Work well and gain trust ■Southeast Reputation improves and good relationships and trust are obtained Rokhaku Venus (Rokukinsei) ■ Success in improving the eastern position and executing new plans ■ Southwest Sales improvement, home, joy of love ■ West North Work well and gain trust Seven red Venus (Shichisekinsei) ■ East position Success in improving and executing new plans ■ West North Work well and get credit Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku dosei) ■ Southwest Sales improvement, home, joy of love ■ Southeast Reputation improves and good relationships and trust are obtained ■ Southwest Working well and gaining credibility Kusaki Mars (Cucumber) ■Northeast Real Estate Joy, New Flowering and Good Relationships ■ West Getting Money and Marriage in Friendship [...]
11Month sections
This month's Yuki-a-Ding Position November 7, 2016 - December 6, 2016 Ishaku Mercury (IppakiSei) ■ South Mind's Eye Opens, Honors and Political Advances in Invention Discovery ■ Kita Kinsei Fukutoku who does not do it ■ West Dating with joy of money and drinking food Nikuro Saturn ( Dicoku dosei ) ■ East Development and passionate love in recognized efforts ■ South Heart open and invention discovery honors and political advances ■ North Fortune is attached and inconspicuous Fukutoku Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpeki Mosei) ■ East Development and passionate love in recognized efforts ■ West Dating with joy of money and drinking food Four green Jupiter (Shironhokusei) ■ West North Big money at the start of new business and speculation Gohodosei ■ East Development and passionate love in recognized efforts ■ South Mind opens, honors of invention discovery, political advancement ■ Kita Kinunzu attaches, inconspicuous Fukutoku Rokuhaku Venus (Rokhaku Kinsei) * There is no yuri that can be taken this month Nana red Venus (Shichise-nensei) * There is no yugi that can be taken this month Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku dosei) ■ East Effort is recognized and development and passionate love ■ South Mind opens and the honor of invention discovery and political advancement [...]
10Month sections
This month's Yuki-ad-d'e( 8 October 2016 - 6 November 2016) Ippasei Mercury (Ippakisei) ■ North-east Increase in property and improvement of status ■ South Effects of money on joy and learning Nikin Saturn receives aid and support ■Southwest Advantageous stories and investment interests ■Northeast Increase of property and improvement of status ■ South Effect of money on joy and learning ■ Development of new business In the North Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpeki Mokai) ■Southwest Favorable stories and investment interests ■West North Receive aid and support Shikoku Jupiter (Shirokmosei) ■Southwest Advantageous story and investment interest Goo dosei ■Southwest Favorable story and investment interest ■Increase in northeast property Improvement of status ■ South The joy of money and its effect on learning ■ North Development of new business Rokhaku Venus (Rokuhaku-insei) ■ North Development of new business ■ South Effect of money on joy and learning Seven red venus (Shichisekinsei) ■Northeast Increase in property and improvement of status Hachihaku Saturn (Haphaku Dosei) ■Southwest Advantageous story and investment benefits ■Northeast Increase in property and improvement of status Kusaki Mars (Kushisei) ■West North Receive aid and support ■ [...]
thank you
いつもこの扉を開けて下さっている皆様ありがとうございます ブレスレット・ストラップを購入して下さった方からの 嬉しい御報告や祐気取りの御報告を聞くたびに やっていて良かったと思う今日この頃です 私も毎月 祐気取りに出かけております 一人で行ったり主人や娘と行ったり 毎月楽しみにしているようです 行く先々で方位の星の象意が出るのがとても楽しみです Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
9 / section.
This month's Yuki-hoku position September 7, 2016 - October 7, 2016 Ishaku Mercury (Ippukusei) ■ Progress of west gold-turned-romance Nihaku Saturn (Jimako dosei) ■ North of new business Emergence of development and new donors ■ Improvement of fortunes in the northeast ■ Success of south work and academics Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpei Mhokusei) ■ Southwest Real Estate Joy and Love Revival ■ North Development of New Business And Emergence of New Donors Shiko green Jupiter (Shirokmosei) ■Southwest Joy of Real Estate and Revival of Love ■ North Development of New Business and Emergence of New Donors Goo dosei ■ North Development of New Businesses and Emergence of New Donors ■ Progress of West Gold And Romance ■ Northeast Improvement of Fortunes ■ South Work and Academics Success of Rokuhaku Venus (Rokuhaku-insei) ■ South Success of Work and Science ■ Southwest Real Estate Joy and Love Revival ■ Northeast Improvement of Fortune Seven Red Venus (Shichiseki-insei) ■ South Success of Work and Science ■ West Progress of Gold And Romance Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku Dosei) ■ Progress of West Gold-Orbiting Romance [...]
This month's Yuki-ad direction August 7, 2016 - September 6, 2016 Ippaki Mercury (IppakiSei) ■West Japan's interest in speculation and labor-without-work ■ West Money, joy of eating and drinking ■ East Purpose Progress Success and achievement of southeast marriage and achievement of goals Nihoku Saturn (Djikodosei) ■ Gain profit and honor in south stocks and speculation ■ West North Profit without labor by speculation ■ West Money, joy of eating and drinking Sanpei Jupiter ( Sanpei Mosei ) ■ North New Exchanges and Peace of Mind ■ South Gain profit and honor in stocks and speculation ■ Success of southeast marriage and achievement of goals Shikoku Jupiter (Shiromhokusei) ■ North New exchanges and peace of mind ■ South Gain profit and honor in stocks and speculation ■ East: Progress, achievements and good deeds are recognized Gohodosei ■ South Gain profit and honor in stocks and speculation ■ West North Gain interest in speculation ■ West Money The Joy of Eating and Drinking ■ Getting Southwest Real Estate / Becoming a Hard-working Person Six White Venus (Rokuhaku-insei) ■ Southwest Real Estate Gaining Real Estate / Becoming a Hard Man ■ North New Exchanges and Peace of Mind ■ West Money, Joy of Eating and Drinking Seven Red Venus (Shichiseki-sei) ■ Get Southwest Real Estate / Become a Hard Man [...]
7 section.
This month's Yuki-d'i position July 7, 2016 - August 6, 2016 Ippaki Mercury (Ippukusei) ■Southwest family family, prosperity of business ■ East Business development, purpose, achievement of hope Nihaku Saturn (Jima) Nishi: Development of business and fortune with the assistance of an english person Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpei Mokasei) ■ South New relationship begins ■ East Business development, purpose, achievement of hope Four green Jupiter (Shiron mokasei) ■ South A new relationship begins ■ Southwest family family family, prosperous business Goo dosei ■ Improvement of north subordinate luck and improvement of business results ■ Development of business and fortune with the help of an english person Nishi Six white Venus (Rokuhaku Kinsei) ■ North Improvement of subordinate luck and improvement of sales results ■ Development of business and fortune with the help of an knew person ■ South New relationship begins Nana red Venus (Shichise Kinsei) ■ North Improvement of subordinate luck and improvement of sales results ■ West Development of business and fortune with the help of an old person ■ South New relationship begins Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku dosei) ■ North Improvement of subordinate luck and improvement of sales results Kusaki Mars (Kusaki Mars) ■ [...]
6 month section.
This month's Yuki adm. June 5, 2016 - July 6, 2016 Ippaki Mercury (Ippukusei) ■Southeast Relationship with superiors ■Southwest Sales is spreading Nihoku Saturn (Djikodosei) ■Success, real estate, and investment benefits supported by relatives and relatives of relatives and people in the southeast With a relationship with superiors Sanpei Jupiter (Sanpeki Mokasei) ■Northeast Get a chance to get a job or get married ■Southwest Four green Jupiter (Shiromokasei) where business deals spread * There is no yusei that can be taken this month Goo dosei ■ Hit in south land, real estate, stock trading, etc. ■ Relationship with southeast boss Nishikita Success, real estate, and investment benefits supported by relatives and an ant-known people ■ South land, real estate, stock trading, etc. ■ Northeast Get a chance to get a job or get married Seven Red Venus (Shichise-kinsei) ■ South Land, Real Estate, Stock Trading, etc. ■ Southeast Relationship with Superiors ■ West North Success, Real Estate, Investment Gain with Support by Relatives and Relatives ■ Northeast of Employment and Marriage Get a good opportunity Yahaku Saturn (Haphaku Dosei) ■ Hit in south land, real estate, stock trading, etc. Kusaki Mars (Cucumber) ■ Southwest Business expands deals ■ South land, real estate, Language this page has been automatically translated for stock trading, etc. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
May Festival
今月の祐気方位2016年5月5日~2016年6月4日 一白水星(いっぱくすいせい) ■東南 望んでいた事の達成や縁談、就職のととのい ■ 南 先見の目で新しいアイデアや発明、発見の栄誉を受ける ■ 北 隠れた深い縁を得て恋愛や結婚の機が訪れる 二黒土星(じこくどせい) ■ 東 発展の途が開かれ上司の引立てを受ける ■東南 望んでいた事の達成や縁談、就職のととのい 三碧木星(さんぺきもくせい) ■ 西 レジャー、恋愛、縁談、酒会の喜び 四緑木星(しろくもくせい) ■ 西 レジャー、恋愛、縁談、酒会の喜び 五黄土星(ごおうどせい) ■ 東 発展の途が開かれ上司の引立てを受ける ■東南 望んでいた事の達成や縁談、就職のととのい 六白金星(ろっぱくきんせい) ■東南 望んでいた事の達成や縁談、就職のととのい 七赤金星(しちせききんせい) ■ 西 レジャー、恋愛、縁談、酒会の喜び ■ 東 発展の途が開かれ上司の引立てを受ける 八白土星(はっぱくどせい) ■ 東 発展の途が開かれ上司の引立てを受ける ■東南 望んでいた事の達成や縁談、就職のととのい 九紫火星(きゅうしかせい) ■ 南 先見の目で新しいアイデアや発明、発見の栄誉を受ける ■ 北 隠れた深い縁を得て恋愛や結婚の機が訪れるLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
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